Download ORG Pro Mod Apk Terbaru
ORG Pro adalah aplikasi android yang memungkinkan kita memainkan piano di dalam sebuah HP atau tablet kita atau bisa disebut Piano Portable. Dan kali ini admin bagikan versi yang sudah di mod agar kalian bisa merasakan fitur-fitur versi Pro.
Feature ORG 2017:
- More than 1000 musical instruments (Multi-sample and Recorded from real instruments)
- DNC Instruments and Aftertouch
- More than 1000 styles (Include Intros, Variations, Fills and Endings) with Real Chord (Press 3 or more keys)
- More than 10 drum kits (General, Arabic, Khaliji, …) and Funny Human Drum kit
- Connect to a real musical keyboard via USB MIDI cable
- Use phone as a microphone
- Programmable Pad for play wav, mp3 or ogg files
- Strong Windows tools for Create, Edit and Import Instruments, Styles, …
- Joystick, Effects and Filters
- Record, Re-record, Sing a Song, Save, Playback, …
- Stereo output
- STS, Fade, Synch, Tempo, Transpose, Octave, Balance, Tune, Split, Break, Chord Memory, Tap Tempo/Reset …
- Multi-touch with 10 fingers
- Low-latency option in Settings
- Change volume of each Instrument or Style Separately
- Pedal, Metronome and Touch Response
- Fast changes for instruments, styles, octaves, …
- Change Music Systems to Iranian, Arabic, …
- 1 and 2 rows keyboard
- and more ..
What News :
- Compatibility with Android Nougat
- Added the ability to Move to SDCard
- “New” title for the new data in the data manager window
- Ability to set volume if default pads
- Improved performance of switching Keyboard Sets
- Ability to use Fill, Intro, and Ending as Variation by double-tapping on it (enable in Settings)
- Turn on/off memory control (in Settings)
- Fixed several minor bugs
↓↓Download Links↓↓
- ORG Pro Apk v1.2.2 | MirrorLink (39MB)
- ORG Pro Apk v1.2.4 | MirrorLink (40MB)