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Rabu, 15 Maret 2017


KMSAuto Lite v1.3.1 Activator Windows & Office

KMSAuto Lite

Download KMSAuto Lite Activator Windows & Office

KMSAuto Lite adalah Activator Windows dan Office terbaru yang sangat powerfull untuk mengaktifkan OS Windows 10, Windows 8 maupun Windows 7. KMSAuto Lite Terbaru ini tidak hanya dapat digunakan untuk Activator Windows saja tetapi bisa juga untuk mengaktivasi Microsoft Office mulai dari MS Office 2010, Office 2013 dan Office 2016.

KMSAuto Lite Activator Windows & Office ini merupakan activator All-in-one multifungsi yang sangat membantu sekali dan dapat mengkativasi Windows dan Office secara permanen (full version)

KMSAuto Lite

Features KMSAuto Lite 2017 :

  • Reliable activator – It support Windows Vista and newer (all editions) as well as Office 2007 or newer (all editions). 
  • Activation for lifetime – Just apply the activation tool once and your program activation will work forever, so it’s a permanent solution. 
  • Fast and easy activation – You just need about 10 seconds after clicking on the activate button and the program will automatically do the job for you. 
  • Clean activator – the program and its modules do not has malicious code embedded that can cause trouble to your PC. It has been downloaded thousands of times worldwide. 
  • Support 32-bit & 64-bit versions – This program is able to support all the 32-bit & 64-bit versions of Windows and Office. 
  • Many build-in features – The added functions of the tool, please refer to the section below for details. 
  • No .NET Framework required – Unlike other activator like KMSpico that required installation of .net framework only the program can work. 
  • Additional tools – Under the program Tools tab, you can use some of the useful tools such as backup and restore Windows/Office activation, Convert Windows and Office to the compatible VL editions, etc. 
  • Advanced setup options – Several switches provide access to the installation GVLK keys and configure the task scheduler. For more info, refer the readme file. 
  • Support all languages – If you use the foreign language of Windows and Office other than English, this tool are supported
Buat kamu yang ingin men-Download KMSAuto Lite Activator Windows & Office ini secara grtis silahkan menuju link dibawah, dan yang mendapat masalah saat mendownload ataupun menggunakannya mohon untuk memberi komentar dibawah agar saya bisa membantunya.

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